The Global Public Policy Committee (GPPC) brings together senior partners from the six largest global multidisciplinary accounting networks (BDO, Deloitte, EY, Grant Thornton, KPMG and PwC) to focus on public policy issues facing the global accounting profession.
The GPPC is focused on public policy issues of global scope. Its primary objectives are to constructively engage on priority public policy issues to advance the public interest and enhance public confidence in the multidisciplinary accounting profession.
Global CEOs
The GPPC was established by the largest six global multidisciplinary accounting network CEOs who establish the priorities and oversee the activities of the GPPC.
GPPC Members and Representatives
The GPPC comprises senior leaders from each of the six member networks. The GPPC meets regularly to discuss activities to advance the public interest and enhance public confidence in the profession.
Working Groups
The GPPC has working groups devoted to specific topics and geographies that meet regularly to discuss and execute GPPC activities.